UdK Berlin Rundgang 2021

Gemeinsame Räume Offenhalten - Kartierungen am Kotti, am Cotti und am Hermannplatz

Gastdozentur Städtebau

Exhibition of the practice mappings and theory diagrams from the seminar "For Dis-closing Separate Space". Why shared spaces? According to Silvia Federici, what Marx coined in the 19th century under the term "original accumulation" continues to advance. This term is used to describe the privatisation of land and the accompanying expropriation of common livelihoods and basic resources. This process can be seen today on both a global and local level in many ways: neocolonial overexploitation and the pollution of the world's oceans can thus be contextualised with the sell-off of Berlin's land-owned property - 21 square kilometres of land between 1989 and 2017 alone (Schüschke 2019). Common spaces deal with these structural problems on a small scale: where state and municipal actors are increasingly withdrawing and the scope for urban development oriented towards the common good is shrinking, common spaces can be understood as counter-designs to the progressive privatisation, between the public-municipal and the private sphere.
