For Dis-closing Separate Space - Kooperative Methoden re-produktiver Planungsarbeit
In a research and mapping seminar, we turned to self-managed planning work on the ground, which even under the conditions of the pandemic, or precisely because of them, brings forward spaces of a - different - practice: that of urban political self-empowerment beyond market logics and from below. We approached this planning work in the sense of a re-productive way of working - labour of planning ? - at three different places in Berlin - Kotti, Hellersdorf and Hermannplatz - and questioned these places as potential community-based design centres. What role can we ourselves play as practitioners in such processes characterised by financialisation pressure, precarisation, displacement and appropriation on the one hand, and reproductive labour, urban subsistence economy and desire for the good life on the other? How can a self-determined production of space as Spatial Commons be distinguished from an exclusionary production of space as Separate Spaces, made recognisable and formable - actively, creatively and in solidarity? What effects do the concrete places have on the scale of the city as a whole? What relevance do the practices on site have in the context of an urban development oriented towards the common good?